The Neurosciences Graduate School is organised in three operational elements that ensure the functioning of the School and monitor progress towards its objectives. Each element has specific roles and functions, but the different elements work together for an effective running of the School. In addition, the School cooperates with the UCBL that globally manages the Graduate-PLUS initiative, the neuroscience laboratories in Lyon and the UCBL neuroscience pedagogic team.

The Management Team is responsible for the functioning of the School. It defines the School’s strategy in accordance with the Graduate-PLUS initiative of the UCBL. It provides guidelines to the Action Teams and validates the proposed activities. The Management Team interacts with the Graduate-PLUS and with the UFR Biosciences to ensure that the School’s activities comply with the overarching aims of Graduate-PLUS and with any administrative constraints. The Management Team is responsible for reporting to the UCBL and for managing the School’s funding.
Members: Emiliano Macaluso, Anne Didier, Jean-Louis Bessereau
The Action Teams propose specific activities to achieve the School’s objectives and implement these activities. They are the operational arm of the School. Three Teams develop activities related to the main actions of the School (exchange fellowships, platform training and individual mentoring). One additional Team is in charge of the creation of new Master’s paths (i.e. Computational Neurosciences and Clinical Neurosciences). The Action Teams work in close collaboration both with the neuroscience pedagogic team of the UCBL and with the neuroscience research Laboratories in Lyon. The SFRI-support team assists the Action Teams in the implementation of the School activities.
Heads of the Action Teams: Irene Cristofori (fellowships), Anne Didier (mentoring), Emiliano Macaluso and Marion Richard (platforms), Matteo diVolo, Corine Amat and Jean-Louis Bessereau (paths)
The Monitoring Committee evaluates the functioning of the School and recommends changes to improve the efficacy of the School’s activities. In particular, the Committee provides feedback and suggestions on how the School’s actions integrate with the research programs of the Laboratories and with the training program of the UCBL. The Committee meets once or twice a year.
Members: The Management and the Action Teams, the Director of the UFR-Biosciences (Kathrin Gieseler), the Directors of the 4 main neuroscience laboratories in Lyon (CRNL: Laurent Bezin, SBRI: Colette Dehay, ISC: Pier Francesco Ferrari; MeLiS: Jean-Louis Bessereau), the heads of the UCBL neuroscience pedagogic team (Marion Richard), the NSCo doctoral school (Céline Amiez), the neurosciences Master (Corine Amat) and the neurosciences undergraduate program (Veronique Pellier-Monnin)